To understand how we use our tools is to learn the language of our hands, eyes, words, and presence, and be able to reflect upon the value and meaning being communicated through this language. With an understanding of how to work with our tools, and an awareness of how our communication, shaped by these tools, […]
Special Olympics Summer Games 2015
Each year the Globe Star community looks forward to the challenge and exciting opportunities of the Special Summer Olympic Games, and joined many others throughout the state in traveling to Terre Haute, Ind., to participate in the event on June 12-14. First held in Indianapolis in 1969, this was the 46th annual event for the […]
The NAVIGATOR Newsletter_2014_December
“Unconditional love is the lantern that guides the heart’s journey of gentleness, communicating PEACE and preparing the path we travel with the framework of Gentle Teaching. Unconditionally loving is the lighting of a safe harbor that welcomes us, inviting the opening up of our eyes, our hearts, our gifts.”