*** In SPANISH *** Español***
February 15, 2018 webinar: 12N EDT :: Snoezelen-MSE ‘cambio de mirada’ (English translation: Snoezelen ‘change of look’
This presentation will be given in SPANISH. An English translation of the summary is given below.
Presentation of topics is approximately 45 minutes, with some additional time allowed for discussion. These sessions are provided as an educational service to promote the potentials and possibilities for quality of life outcomes, when working with others in multi-sensory environments.
Webinar Series: Reimagining and Facilitating Multi-Sensory Environments
Join the conversation…inspiration…resources
All are welcome. Registration is free.
We are welcoming Maria José Cid RODRÍGUEZ as our presenter. She lives and works in Amposta (Catalunya) Spain. This capital city is situated about 60 miles (100 km) south of Barcelona on the Mediterranean Coast. Maria shares her formal studies and professional background with her audiences, and you are welcome to view her curriculum vitae (view in Spanish or view in English).
PRESENTATION SUMMARY: La intervención snoezelen como todos sabemos, es una manera de ofrecer a personas que por un perfil determinado tienen dificultades a la hora de disfrutar de las sensaciones, la oportunidad de que puedan gozar de este disfrute. En la intervención snoezelen, se ofrece a la pesona a partir de unos entornos adaptados y de unas salas especialmente diseñadas, con un aparateje muy concreto, la posibilidad de vineciar entradas sensroaiales de diferente modalidad. De esta manera, y con una metodología muy especifica, se promueve la comunicación con la persona y sobretodo, se tratat de ofrecerle la posibilidad de viencias emocionales agadables y satisfactorias.
En esta intervención es fundamental el rol del profesional que efectua laintervención. Los diseños de aparatos, los diseños de Sala en general pueden ser muy bonitos, sofisticados y a la bvez muy aros… Pero este hecho no nos garantiza que la intervención haya de cumpliri su finalidad, que como comentamos es compartir una rato agradable con la persona y potenciar su comunicación con el entorno.
Para conseguir verdaderament esta finalidad, es fundamentsal que el terapeuta snoezelen ofrezca “una mrada muy especial”. Se trata de considerar una doble idea:
- De una parte entender que el lenguaje corporal, la etología humana nos va a determinar la efectivad de la intervención. Será fundamental el hecho de la sensibilidad, posicionamiento corporal, lenguaje del cuerpo en definitva, para ofrecer a la persona la intervención que precisa. A su vez, el profesional snoezelen ha de saber “leer” el cuerpo dela persona que rfecibe la atención; es decir, que canalñes sensoriales tiene “abiertos”, que nos indica su postura,….. De esta manera, los “aparatos” que son mediadores entre el profesional y el usuario serán utilizados de forma correcta y entendiddos como lo que son, apratosss.
- Otra idea fundamental es que laintervanción snoezelzeln no se centro sólo en el interior de una Sala conun diseño moderno y muy especial. La intervención snoezelen se ha de enmarcar en el concepto snoezelen 24 horas. Es decir, entender que todo el dia a dia de la persona ofrece la posibilidad de disfrutar, sentir, vivir experiencias sensoriales. De esta manera, nuestra mirada como prfoesionales ha de ampliar el zoom y ofrecer en cada momento del dia de la persona un entorno sensoriaomente adaptado y agradble.
English translation: The intervention snoezelen as we all know, is a way to offer people who for a certain profile have difficulties when it comes to enjoying the sensations, the opportunity for them to enjoy this enjoyment. In the intervention snoezelen, the person is offered from adapted environments and specially designed rooms, with a very specific equipment, the possibility of experiencing sensory inputs of different modality. In this way, and with a very specific methodology, communication with the person is promoted and above all, it is about offering the possibility of pleasant and satisfactory emotional experiences.
In this intervention, the role of the professional who carries out the intervention is fundamental. The designs of appliances, Room designs in general can be very beautiful, sophisticated and at the same time very much expensive … But this fact does not guarantee that the intervention has to fulfill its purpose, which as we discussed is to share a pleasant time with the person and enhance their communication with the environment.
To truly achieve this goal, it is essential that the snoezelen therapist offers “a very special look”. It is about considering a double idea:
– On the one hand understand that body language, human ethology will determine the effectiveness of the intervention. It will be fundamental the fact of sensitivity, body positioning, body language in short, to offer the person the intervention that needs. In turn, the professional snoezelen must know how to “read” the body of the person receiving the attention; that is, which sensory channels are “open”, which indicates their position, … .. In this way, the “devices” that are mediators between the professional and the user will be used correctly and understood as what they are, devices .
- Another fundamental idea is that the snoezelen intervention does not focus only on the interior of a room with a modern and very special design. The snoezelen intervention has to be framed in the concept snoezelen 24 hours. That is to say, to understand that all the day to day of the person offers the possibility of enjoying, feeling, living sensory experiences. In this way, our look as professionals has to expand the room and offer at each moment of the day of the person a sensorially adapted and pleasant environment.)
An important post. Thanks for share.