The Indiana Counseling Association (ICA) is hosting BUILDING COMMUNITY, a virtual ZOOM meeting on Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.
ALL ARE WELCOME to join the dialogue that centers on the current cultural context of social interactions and conversations within the statewide counseling and support systems of Indiana, and features Globe Star Director Anthony M. McCrovitz, Ph.D., as a guest speaker.
Without an understanding of cultural context, inaccurate conclusions can be drawn. With more meaningful dialogue and learning how to change the conversations of our times, we hope to expand our collective ability for more accurate interpretations of our social challenges in ways that are culturally relevant, and be able to learn and grow together in cultivating just and meaningful solutions as a society.
Please join us! This is a free, public event, but registration is required for the Zoom link that will be emailed to you after you Click here to REGISTER.
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