“Using the scope of Gentle Teaching invites us to practice and develop our visual perception, using the lens of ‘safe’ and ‘loved.’ Sometimes, the way we are seeing or perceiving is what creates a problem, or makes an existing problem worse. How can we better see or improve our visual perception so that we can […]
The NAVIGATOR Newsletter_2014_December
“Unconditional love is the lantern that guides the heart’s journey of gentleness, communicating PEACE and preparing the path we travel with the framework of Gentle Teaching. Unconditionally loving is the lighting of a safe harbor that welcomes us, inviting the opening up of our eyes, our hearts, our gifts.”
The NAVIGATOR Newsletter_2014_August
‘We make the road by walking…’ –Paulo Friere Founder of Gentle Teaching, Dr. John J. McGee, was very inspired by Freire’s works, and knew him personally. The Gentle Teaching journey is about mutual change, building relationships and collaborative interaction based on dialogue.