Quality of Work Life (QoWL) services offer supported employment and pre-vocational counseling, available through all of our four Indiana locations.
All of our services, plus additional options and programs, incorporate a relationship-building framework of Gentle Teaching and are CARF-accredited.
- Community Integration and Habilitation – Group / Globe Star University (GSU) These services are provided in a community environment. Integrated settings have a maximum 4:1 ratio of Individual(s) with a mentor, and support learning and assistance in the areas of: self-care, sensory/motor development, socialization, daily living skills, communication, community living, and social skills. These community-based activities are intended to build relationships and natural supports.
Globe Star University (GSU) is a year-round day program for individuals with disabilities (ages 18 and older), that was developed by caring and concerned professionals to enrich traditional day programs and workshops. The GSU programs are founded on a social vision that all people, regardless of disability, need to be recognized, and have skills and talents that can be cultivated and encouraged as an equal opportunity and contribution to the community.
(*Group services are available under the Family supports Waiver and the Community Integration and Habilitation Waiver.)
- Pre-Vocational Services prepare a participant for paid or unpaid employment. Pre-vocational services include teaching concepts such as compliance, attendance, task completion, problem-solving and safety. These services intend to achieve generalized results instead of being job/task oriented. These services are habilitative in nature rather than having explicit employment objectives.
- Work Experience is community-based and takes place within real work settings, allowing for expiration and assessment of the person’s ability to perform in work situations. CBWE placement locations include volunteer work, internship experiences, job shadowing, etc., simulating real work settings.
- Job Placement of the consumer into employment that is consistent with the individual’s abilities, capacities, career interests, and informed choice, is the goal of the vocational rehabilitation services program. It is to this end that all prior services have been directed. On-the-job-training provides a hands-on training or placement opportunity for eligible individuals for whom such an opportunity represents the most appropriate training/placement option.
- Supported Employment is for individuals with the most severe disabilities who are placed in competitive jobs with qualified job coaches/trainers, and provided with individualized, ongoing support services, as needed, for each individual to retain employment. The employer is contacted monthly and the employee is visited twice monthly, either at or away from the workplace, to address any issues that may jeopardize the individual’s ability to remain on the job.
- Follow-Along is a Supported Employment service that offers Follow-Along up to 18 months per employment setting. This service enables a participant, who is paid at or above the federal minimum wage, to maintain employment in a competitive community employment setting. The 18-month clock begins with the start date of the SEFA service as it appears on the approved Plan of Care/Cost Comparison Budget (CCB) and Notice of Action (NOA). Note that the 18- month clock does not begin with the date the service is first rendered or with the date the service is first billed for this time-limited service, unless those dates correspond to the start date of the service as it appears on the CCB and NOA.In certain situations (job in jeopardy, career advancement or job loss, as described below), requests for exceptions for SEFA beyond the approved 18 months will be reviewed. While there is a suggested 18-month time limit, time can be extended when a CCB (plan of service) is submitted. Depending on each participant’s circumstances, the time limit may need to be extended or the participant may need to be referred to, or go back to, Vocational Rehabilitation for services and reimbursement, in which case, concurrent reimbursement for Supported Employment Follow-Along and Vocational Rehabilitation Services will not be allowed. Extensions are currently granted to anyone continuing to make efforts toward employment. Definitions for job in jeopardy, career advancement or job loss:
Job in jeopardy – the participant will lose his/her job without additional intervention. Career advancement – it is determined that the new job requires more complex, comprehensive, intensive supports than can be offered under the waiver, orJob loss – the participant may need to be referred to, or back to, Vocational Rehabilitation for services and reimbursement, in which case, concurrent reimbursement for Supported Employment Follow-Along and Vocational Rehabilitation Services will not be allowed.
- Pre-Benefits Counseling (BIN) relates to the Benefits Information Network that consists of Indiana human services agency individuals who work in employment /support services and who receive training and ongoing supports to work with the individuals they serve. Through the BIN, beneficiaries have better access to information on federal, state, and local work incentives and other resources so that they can have more success in their pursuit of employment.
- Ticket to Work (Ticket) program offers Social Security beneficiaries with disabilities the choices, opportunities and supports needed to find and keep employment, increase their earnings through work, and reduce their reliance on cash benefits to the greatest extent possible.
Funding Options: Globe Star is a state-approved provider of services and accepts waivers for: Aged and Disabled, Community Integration and Habilitation, Family Supports, Support Services, and Traumatic Brain Injury.