Quality of Community Life (QoCL) services are residential, respite, and community participation services for individuals and families.
Our direct support professionals receive both mandated training by the State, and in-house training and support on a regular basis at Globe Star. We value learning in our community, learning from one another and with each other, and do all we can to support our staff in continued competence and professional development for the delivery of our services.
- Attendant Care is hands-on assistance for older adults and persons with disabilities who require physical care. This service allows the client to remain in their own home and carry out functions of daily living, self-care, and mobility. Assistance can include help with bathing, oral hygiene, hair care, shaving, dressing, applying cosmetics, transfer between bed and chair, meal planning, meal preparation and cleanup, toileting assistance, escorting client to medical appointments and other day-to-day activities. It should be noted that an attendant has to be a hired third party and can not be a loved one.
- Caregiver Support is one-hundred percent state funded and is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Caregiver Support Services may be approved when 1) an individual meets the state definition of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities level of care and 2) the primary caregiver selects a provider. Caregiver Support Services will not be available to the primary caregiver if the individual is receiving or begins to receive other services from BDDS or programs such as (but not limited to) Vocational Rehabilitation Services, First Steps, CHOICE, Division of Aging waiver, etc.
- Community Integration & Habilitation
Individual: Community Based Habilitation for the Individual are services provided outside of the participant’s home. They support learning and assistance in the areas of: self-care, sensory/motor development, socialization, daily living skills, communication, community living, and social skills. Community-based activities are intended to build relationships and natural supports.
Group: Community Based Habilitation for a Group are services provided outside of the participants’ home in a community setting that supports learning and assistance in the areas of: self-care, sensory/motor development, socialization, daily living skills, communication, community living, and social skills. Community -based activities are intended to build relationships and natural supports.Community settings are defined as non-residential, integrated settings that are primarily out in the community where services are not rendered within the same building(s) alongside other non-integrated participants.
Participant Assistance and Care (PAC): Participant Assistance and Care (PAC) services are provided in order to allow participants (consumers) with intellectual/developmental disabilities to remain and live successfully in their own homes, function and participate in their communities, and avoid institutionalization. PAC services support and enable the participant in activities of daily living, self-care, and mobility, with the hands-on assistance, prompting, reminders, supervision and monitoring needed to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the participant.
- Residential Habilitation & Support services provide up to a full day (24-hour basis) of services and/or supports which are designed to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the participant, and assist in the acquisition, improvement, and retention of skills necessary to support participants to live successfully in their own homes. (Billable options: RH1O – for Level 1 with 35 hours or less per week of RHS, or RH2O – for Level 2 with greater than 35 hours per week of RHS.
- Respite Care is provided to participants unable to care for themselves. These services are furnished on a short-term basis in order to provide temporary relief to those unpaid persons normally providing care. Respite Care can be provided in the participant’s home or place of residence, in the respite caregiver’s home, in a camp setting, in a DDRS approved day habilitation facility, or in a non-private residential setting (such as a respite home). Structured Family Caregiving is a living arrangement in which a participant lives in the private home of a principal caregiver who may be a non-family member (foster care) or a family member who is not the participant’s spouse, the parent of the participant who is a minor, or the legal guardian of the participant.
- Supported Living Services – Individuals may be eligible to receive support services up to and including 24 hours a day through DOE, Medicaid waivers and/or supported living programs. Globe Star will help Individuals find optimal living arrangements that correlate with their income. Individuals are usually encouraged to find other individuals they can live with as roommates, to maximize their resources and build community. In-home supports are designed to meet the Individual’s needs, including home management, community living activities, and social skill enhancement.
Funding Options: Globe Star is a state-approved provider of services and accepts waivers for: Aged and Disabled, Community Integration and Habilitation, Family Supports, Support Services, and Traumatic Brain Injury.